Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Principal's Award

Today Maya received a Principal's Award for her story:

This is my first wiggly tooth. I want to show everyone.

Congratulations, Maya, you are writing the sounds you can hear.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Principal's Award

Today Macy received a Principal's Award for her story:

I skidded on the concrete at morning tea today. I hurt my knee.

Congratulations, Macy, you are working hard to sound out words and write the sounds you hear. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Term 1 Week 9

WOW!!! What an amazing group of children Room 2 are. They did a superb job of running the whole school assembly today. I am so proud of them. Macy, Annabel, Luke, and Isla lead the prayers beautifully and Evelyn explained our learning on the food colours clearly. I have had a number of positive comments from teachers, too. A big thank you to those parents who helped their child to familiarize themselves with their parts. Thank you, too, for coming along to support us at both the shared lunch and at assembly.

Freya received a certificate because she is working hard at writing time and writing great stories. 
Congratulations, Freya, we are proud of you.

It was great to welcome Ben back to school today.  It's good to have everyone back now.
This week we continue our Healthy Eating topic. We are also learning about Lent. Reading, writing, and mathematics continue as usual.
Thanks to those who have sent us comments on our blog - we do love reading them so keep them coming.
Enjoy your week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Term 1 Week 8 'Star of the Week'

This morning we went to 9am Mass in the church. The children's behaviour was amazing and I am very proud of them.

Our ‘Star of the Week’ is Alessandro.
Alessandro has been a great role model this week. He is focused, especially when we are working on the day chart, and at reading time. 
Thank you, Alessandro, it's great to have you in Room 2.

This week we published our best story. Some of these stories are published below. You can come into Room 2 to read the rest.

I am going to Annabel's house after school today. Isla

I went to Auckland first then to Japan. Maya

I went to Alessandro's house. I played with his toys. Christian

Isla came to my house to see my kitten. Isla carried my kitten and Isla is in love with him. Luke

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Term 1 Week 8 - Junior Assembly

On Tuesdays we have a Junior Syndicate Assembly, followed by singing.
At the assembly one junior child receives a certificate.
This week Wil received the certificate for being a caring, considerate member of the Junior Syndicate. 
Congratulations, Wil, we are proud of you.

  • Please remind your child to put their reading book in their browsing box when they come in to the classroom each morning
  • Friday 25 March: Mass at 9am. Please be at school before 8:45am
  • Friday 25 March: School photos. Please wear summer uniform
  • Monday 28 March: School shared lunch at 12md, followed by School Assembly at 1pm in the church. Room 2 is leading this assembly. (See notice your child brought home today)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Term 1 Week 8

Welcome to Week 8. It was great to have Freya back with us today. She has been at St Joseph's School in Ashburton.
At today's school assembly two Room 2 people received certificates.

Congratulations to Annabel who received the Special Character Award.
Annabel is a kind and considerate person who always uses lovely manners. She respects her classmates and is a good role model. Annabel is caring, welcoming, and helpful to new people in our class. She works hard and does her best, Stepping Up for Success.
Annabel, we are blest to have you as a member of our class.

 Macy received a certificate because she has settled back into school, is working hard, and has been a good friend to the new people in our room. Thank you, Macy, we are proud to have you in Room 2.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Term 1 Week 7 'Star of the Week'

Week 7 is over! It has been nice to get back to school and into routine again. Everyone has coped with the change to Room 2 and we are settling into our new 'home'. Thank you, families, for your support this week.

We are sad to say 'Good-bye' to Lucy and Eleanor. It has been great having them in our room and we will miss them. We wish Lucy and Eleanor all the best as they settle into their new schools.

Our Star of the Week’ is Evelyn.
Evelyn has been focused on her work and has done her best to complete everything. She has good manners and is a good role model.
Thank you, Evelyn, it's great to have you in Room 2.

  • We have begun our 'Healthy Eating' topic. Please bring supermarket brochures/flyers to school
  • Please return library books to Room 2
  • School photos: Friday 25 March
  • 9am Mass: Friday 25 March
  • Shared lunch - for the whole school: Monday 28 March
  • Room 2 leading School Assembly: Monday 28 March, 12md in church
  • News day: Fridays
Have a great, relaxing weekend.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Term 1 Week 7 'Back to School'

It was great to see everyone back at school today and to catch up on what's been going on. We will be known as Room 2 for the time being.
We started the day by gathering in the Parish Centre for a blessing from Monsignor Bill. He also blessed our school buildings. Thank you Monsignor Bill.

We welcomed Monique and Chloe from St Paul's. We hope you will both enjoy being part of Room 2.

This afternoon we began our 'Healthy Eating' topic. We discussed the question: 'What does healthy mean?'
These are some of our answers:

J             It means you have lots of veggies in you. Isla
J             It means you have lots of muscles. Luke
J             It means you have eaten lots of fruit and veggies and not much treat food. Evelyn
J             It means you are getting strong and brave. Benjamin
J             It means you are eating lots of fruit and not getting sick. Wil
J             It means you are getting lots of energy. Macy

We each drew a picture of a healthy person - come into our room to see them. A healthy person has bright eyes, shiny hair, white teeth, a smile, and muscles.

Please collect supermarket brochures/flyers and bring to school as we will use them later in the topic. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

One More Sleep

Only 1 more sleep until we are back at school! I am really looking forward to seeing you all again and catching up with all the exciting and challenging things you have faced over the last three weeks. 
Remember to bring your boiled water in a named bottle (or two) and to come to Room 2 before 8:45am.
Have a good sleep tonight - see you in the morning.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Exciting Times

I trust you have been keeping up with school news via the Christ the King School website.
Today I have been busy moving into and preparing Room 2 which will be our new home for the next wee while. It is looking good and I am sure we will enjoy our time there. Room 13 will be using our room.
When you come to school on Tuesday please come straight into Room 2. We will organize your bags and lunch boxes from there. Please note that the bell for the start of the day will ring at 8:45am.
If you are not able to come to school on Tuesday, please let either myself or the school know.
I am really looking forward to getting back to school and catching up with you all.
Take care and have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

School Start Date

Good news - we have a start date for school. We will start at 9am on Tuesday 15 March 2011.
Check the Christ the King School website for a full update from the Principal and Chair of the Board.
I am looking forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday.

Friday, March 4, 2011

School Update

I trust you are continuing to keep safe and well.
Today I have heard that our school buildings have been 'green stickered'. The Civil Defence will let us know when school can re-open.
Please continue to check the Christ the King School website ( for updates.
Take care.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Please check the Christ the King School website ( for the latest update from the Principal. The good news is that our buildings have been checked and deemed safe to use. However we await directions from the Civil Defence re: opening.
I have received emails from several Room 3 folk. It is great to hear from you and know that you are safe. Thanks.
Keep safe and look after each other.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I trust you are all keeping safe as we continue to experience after shocks.
It has been nice to be able to chat to a few of you and to know that you are safe. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. If you have left town I trust you are able to relax and enjoy good nights' sleep.
As yet I have no information about when our school will re-open. According to today's Press our school is damaged and will need repairing. Keep checking the Christ the King School website ( and the Ministry of Education website ( for further information. The newspaper also has updates.
If you are looking for things to do, try some of the links at the right of this posting. You might like to write about your earthquake experience and add it as a comment to this posting. Remember to use your first name only.
Kia kaha.