Friday, April 15, 2011

Term 1 Week 11 'Star of the Week'

Wow! Term 1 is over! I have really enjoyed teaching your delightful children, they are awesome.
We've had a great week with the children who have moved from Room 1. They have all settled into our routines and we enjoy having more friends to work and play with.

It is pleasing to look back and see the progress the children have made, despite the interrupted learning time. A big THANK YOU for your support at home.

This week's 'Star of the Week’ is Macy.
Macy is a great role model. She is always focused on her learning and constantly produces 'triple star' work.
Thank you, Macy, it's great to have you in our room.

We have now finished our Healthy Eating topic. We have learnt quite a lot about healthy food, particularly the importance of eating well. Hopefully the children will remember this when they come back to school and they choose healthy options for their lunch boxes.
Check out the bananas we made.

It was lovely to read all the loving things the children have been doing - our Lentern Loving Tree looked great. I trust these loving acts will continue over the holidays.
Thank you for the Easter eggs/bunnies, I will enjoy them on Easter Sunday.
I wish you all a happy, relaxing, and safe holiday. If you are looking for something to do, check out the links on this blog, or visit a library for some new reading material. I look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 2 May.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Term 1 Week 11

Welcome to the last week of Term 1. It has been an interesting term, but everyone has adapted to the changes and worked hard.

Today we welcomed 10 children from Room 1. They are quickly picking up our routines and are settling into Room 2. The Room 2 children are awesome buddies helping the 'new' children find their way around Room 2. It's great to have you with us and we hope you all feel part of our Room 2 whanau very soon.

This week we will continue with our reading, writing, and mathematics programmes and we have almost finished the Healthy Eating topic.

In Religious Education we have been learning about Lent and are now focusing on the events of Holy Week. As part of this unit we are creating a 'Lentern Loving Tree'. The children have been given pink hearts. When they do something loving at home or school this is written on a heart and brought to school. During our prayer time we share what the children have done, then put the hearts onto our tree. Come into our room to see the tree and read the loving things the children have done.

Thank you for your continued support with your child's learning. It does make a difference.
Have a great week.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Term 1 Week 10 'Star of the Week'

This has been a busy week for us all. Everyone has worked hard and stayed focused in class. They are really 'Stepping Up for Success'. Thank you for your support with reading at home.

This week's 'Star of the Week’ is Ben.
Ben is a quiet worker who concentrates and always tries his best. He is a good role model as well.
Thank you, Ben, it's great to have you in our room.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Published Stories

Today's published stories are by Maya, Luke, Christian, and Freya. We hope you enjoy reading the stories and looking at the illustrations.

This is my first time for my wiggly tooth. I want to show everyone. Maya

I am excited because Ryan is coming to my house. I hope I bring my paper aeroplane home.  Luke 

I went to the shops to buy my toy. It is a racing car. Christian

I hope I can go back to England because I miss my friends and I am homesick. Freya

More Stories

Today four children published their stories:

I got out of my bed and there was a note on my bedside table and there was a coin and gold fairy dust. Macy

I was coming down the stairs. I was excited because there were lots of toys. It is my sixth birthday. I am excited. Annabel

I am going to say something about healthy eating at assembly. Evelyn
Everyday my dog can hear the Volvo coming into the driveway. My dog is called Cooper. He is black. Wil

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Story Writing

In our room we write stories most days. Once a week we also become illustrators when we publish a story. Today Alessandro, Ben, Benjamin, and Isla published the following stories:

I was running to get my trophy necklace. Benjamin

I went to the church. Alessandro

 I slept in my bed all night so I got a sticker. Isla
My Mum used to play water polo and she has lots of medals. Ben

Friday, April 1, 2011

Term 1 Week 9 'Star of the Week'

This week has flown by! Only two more weeks until the holidays.
The Room 2 children have worked hard during Reading, Writing, and Maths. They have also been focused as we have discussed Lent during Religious Education lessons, and Healthy Eating in our topic lessons.

This week's 'Star of the Week’ is  Christian.
Christian has been focused at mat time.
He also works hard and does his best at everything.
Thank you, Christian, it's great to have you in our room.

We have had two birthdays -
Annabel turned 6 on Thursday and Wil is 6 on Saturday. 

We enjoyed yummy cup cakes to celebrate these great occasions. A special Thank you to Mums Keri and Regan for sharing your baking skills with us.

Looking ahead to next week:
*Please encourage your child to do something nice for a family member, then write this on one of their pink hearts. They can then bring this to school to put on our Lentern Tree.
*Monday: Stations of the Cross, 12md in the church
*We continue our regular learning activities as well as the Healthy Eating topic. Thank you for your continued support with your child's learning, I do appreciate it.

Have a relaxing weekend.