Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yaldhurst Transport Museum Visit

Today we went to the Yaldhurst Transport Museum. We liked it. By Josh

I went to the Yaldhurst Transport Museum today. It was fun. Then we were at school again. By Erin

I went to the museum with my group. I like the bike the best. It was fun at the museum. By Maya

On Tuesday I went to the Transport Museum and I saw a car and I saw a motor bike. By Trinity

We had a great trip to the Yaldhurst Transport Museum today. A big THANK YOU to Erin, Ron, Karen, and Gabriela who guided us around and helped us answer questions. We all enjoyed the trip.
Check out this link for some photos:

At today's Junior Assembly Danny, Rheubyn, and Will received certificates for being cheerful, caring, and considerate members of the Junior Syndicate. 
Congratulations, Danny, Rheubyn, and Will, we are proud of you.

Today Benjamin turned 6
We wish you a Happy Birthday and a great year being 6.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Term 2 Week 5 - Certificate

At our Whole School Assembly this week Wil received the certificate for his reading progress.
Congratulations, Wil, we are proud of you.

Today we wrote about attending the Junior School mass. Here are some of the stories:

I went to mass yesterday. I thought it was lots and lots of fun. By Amelia

On Sunday it was Junior mass. I did a prayer. Annabel did a prayer too. Mrs Kundycki-Carrell was proud of Annabel and me. By Rose

I went to mass with my class. By Will

At reading time we read books about transport. Check out these pictures:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Junior School Mass

Thank you for attending the Junior School Mass today. I am very proud of the children, their behaviour was fantastic. Annabel and Rose read their prayers beautifully.

This week:
Monday: Whole School Assembly in church; Sausage Sizzle - $1:50. Order outside the library before school.
Tuesday: Trip to Yaldhurst Transport Museum.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Term 2 Week 4 'Star of the Week'

What an exciting day we had today. There was a lot of action around the new location of Rooms 8 and 9. We all enjoyed watching as the builders put poles and pyramids under the classrooms before lowering the trailer and driving the truck out. The truck stopped in our playground while the men put the sides of the trailer away before driving it out of the school. 
We saw a man dig holes with a special machine and this afternoon a concrete mixer came. 

There will be plenty to watch over the next week as the builders prepare the rooms and surrounds for children to move into.
This has linked nicely with our Transport topic.

This week we have been looking at different types of horse drawn transport. Has your child asked you about 'shank's pony'? We will see horse drawn vehicles at the Yaldhurst Museum on Tuesday.

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 4 is  Rose.
Rose is a hard worker who always does her best. She is also a fantastic role model.
Thank you, Rose, it's great to have you in our room.

Remember our Junior School Mass at 9am on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing you all there. Meet outside Room 2 at 8:45am.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Wow! What great excitement around school today. Big trucks, big noise, big job. Rooms 8 and 9 have moved to their new location. Check out these photos to see what happened.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Term 2 Week 4

At our Whole School Assembly this week Will received the certificate for writing a great poem about autumn leaves. 
Congratulations, Will, we are proud of you.

Will's poem has been already posted on the blog, but here it is again: 
I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of lines
It's all yellow and spiky
It's little with points
It looks like it is a star ship.

Denver received a Principal's Award for her great story writing. Well done, Denver, we are proud of you.
I went to the beach. My Dad and I skipped stones. It was fun. My Dad was chuffed  
because I skipped stones. My Mum took pictures. My Mum was proud when I came home.

*In Religious Education we are learning about God. This week we will talk about names. It would be great if the children were able to share something about their name, what it means, and why they were given it. Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with your child.
*Next Tuesday the Junior Syndicate will be visiting the Yaldhurst Transport Museum. This will be a great way for us to gather information about our Transport topic. If you are able to help, please return the completed notice as soon as possible. Thanks.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Term 2 Week 3 'Star of the Week'

Today we enjoyed working with our Room 4 buddies. They came to our room and helped us to write autumn poems. First we looked at a leaf and discussed ways to describe it, then we followed the same pattern as the poems we wrote earlier in the week to create a poem. It was good to have a big buddy to write down our ideas.
After morning tea we glued leaves onto long pieces of paper. Our teacher published our poems and glued them onto the paper. Come into Room 2 or Room 4 to see the finished product and read our poems. Here's a few:

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of spikes
It's all red and bumpy
It's curly with dark spots
It looks like it is an unopened umbrella
By Lily and Eden

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of cracks
It's all brown and purple
It has a stem with veins
It looks like it is a hand waving
By Bella, Marika, and Trinity

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of veins
It's all brown and old
It's scrunchy with lots of holes
It looks like it is a hand
By Amelia and Katia

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of veins
It's all green and yellow
It's bumpy with holes
It looks like it is a thumb
By Danny and Sam

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 3 is  Benjamin.
Benjamin tries hard at all his work. He is focused and answers questions about our topics of learning.
Thank you, Benjamin, it's great to have you in our room.

This week we have been learning about questioning. We know that we ask questions to find out more information. We learnt about open and closed questions and about the difference between a question and a statement/comment. We know that good question starters are: Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, and How.
News time is great for practising our questioning skills. It is pleasing to see the progress in the children's questioning. 
Forming questions is one of the first steps in the Inquiry Process.  We are now discussing what we know about transport and forming questions to help us find out more on this topic.
Next week we will refine our questions. The next step will be to gather information to answer these questions. Keep watching this space.

Enjoy the poems in the poetry book.
Have a relaxing weekend :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Poems

It is autumn. The leaves are changing colour and are falling onto the ground. Yesterday we collected some leaves. We used adjectives to describe the leaves. Today we are wrote poems about leaves.

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of curls
It's all brown and shiny
It's hard with spikes
It looks like it is a tunnel.
By Christian

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of dots
It's all yellow and green
It's pretty with lines
It looks like it is a drop.
By Lily

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of lines
It's all yellow and spiky
It's little with points
It looks like it is a star ship.
By Will

I Found a Leaf
I found a leaf
It has lots of holes
It's all green and brown
It's pretty with a spot
It looks like it is tired.
By Annabel

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Term 2 Week 3 - Junior Assembly

On Tuesdays we have a Junior Syndicate Assembly, followed by singing.
At the assembly one junior child receives a certificate.
This week Isla received the certificate for being a caring, considerate member of the Junior Syndicate. 
Congratulations, Isla, we are proud of you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Term 2 Week 3 - Certificate and 'Star of the Week'

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 2 is  Rheubyn.
Rheubyn is a great role model. He is focused and tries his best at everything.Rheubyn also has a fantastic smile.
Thank you, Rheubyn, it's great to have you in our class.

At today's assembly  Maya received a certificate because she is working hard and making good progress.
Congratulations, Maya, we are proud of you.

Today Macy's Dad, Scott, showed us how his model traction engines work. We waited while the water heated up and then we watched the steam make the piston move, which pushed the wheel around. We saw the steam come out of the side of the engine. When there was lots of steam the wheel moved really fast, and when there was less steam the wheel slowed down.
Thanks, Scott, for bringing your models to show us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Term 2 Week 2

What a busy week we've had. It has been great to watch the children swimming and to see their improvement over the week. The children's behaviour on the buses and at the pool was fantastic and I am very proud of them. A big THANK YOU to the mums and dads who helped with dressing after our swims.

On Friday I attended a literacy course. It was stimulating and has given me plenty to think about with regards to our reading and writing programme. I am aiming to implement some of the ideas over the next few weeks. The goal is for all children to be be reading and writing well and to enjoy these activities. I thank you for your support at home, which is a vital link in your child's progress. If you have any questions about your child and/or what goes on in class, please come and talk to me.

We continue with our transport topic. It would be good to have some models of cars, trucks, trains, and other types of transport. If you have any of these, please bring them along. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Check out our swimming techniques:

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Term 2 Week 2 - Swimming and Stories

Today we started swimming at Wharenui Pool. We will be going there each day. We travel by bus. Today the instructors put us into our swimming groups then we swam. It was lots of fun. Check out our swimming technique:

Thanks to the parents and grandparents who helped today, and those who are on the roster to help. We do appreciate your support.
Please: Remember to NAME everything, including underwear, socks, and goggles. We can't return items to the right child if they are not named.

This afternoon we wrote stories.

I went to the zoo to see a monkey. We want to help. By Josh

Me and my class went to the swimming pool. I liked it a lot. By Amelia

I went to swim. By Rheubyn

My Mum liked Mothers' Day and she liked her presents. I gave her some boxes. By Trinity

Friday, May 6, 2011

Term 2 Week 1 'Star of the Week'

Week 1 is now over! It has been a mixed week with some beautiful weather enabling us to be outside, and some wet and cold weather which has kept us indoors. Everyone has settled back into the class routine. It is great to see everyone working hard and already I can see progress, especially in writing. Thank you for your support at home.

This week's 'Star of the Week’ is Lily.
Lily is a super role model, showing us how to behave and focus in class time. She always tries to complete her work, even when it is hard.
Thank you, Lily, it is great to have you in our room.

Next week:
Swimming Monday - Friday. Please remember to name everything. 

Our Stories

My friend, Lily, is picking me up. Lily and me are excited. I have some colouring. We will have lots of fun. We will play games. By Rose

I was at the horse station. By Rheubyn

Today Rose is coming to my home. I think it's going to be fun. Me and my sister think it's going to be lots of fun. By Lily

I am playing at my house today on my swing and I had a nice time. By Erin

A couple of days ago my Grandma came. I am going to have a baby brother and I am excited. I saw a scan of him. It took a long time. When the baby is born we will have to teach him. by Denver

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our Stories

I went to the zoo on Sunday. I had my face painted like a tiger. By Alessandro

I went to Hanmer and it was fun. By Isla

On the holidays I went horse riding. It was great. I loved it a lot. I got to feed the horse. It was the best thing. By Amelia

I got a new car and I like it. It is fun. By Trinity

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our Stories

I went to Christian's today. I had a sleepover. We played with a game. By Benjamin

I like my house. I get to play with my toys. By Will

I patted my brother's head. He's called Luke. He is under the play gym. I love him. I can hold him. I really do love him. By Danny

In the holidays I slept at Marta's house. I quite like it. By Maya

Monday, May 2, 2011

Term 2 2011

Welcome back to school for Term 2.
I trust you have all had a relaxing holiday and are ready for another busy term. It was great to see everyone today and to hear about what you have been doing. Thank you for reading with your child during the holidays - it does make a difference.

Our topic is: Transport If you have any pictures/objects/models relating to transport, and are happy to have them at school, please bring them along. Remember to name your items.
Next week we will be swimming each day at Wharanui Pool. A notice will come home on Tuesday. Please return it asap.
Starting next week each child will have their own news day. On their allocated day they can bring an item of news to share with the class. This may be a newspaper article, a book, a toy etc. See below for the news roster:

Will R
Wil K


Today we had a whole school assembly. Evelyn received a certificate because she has worked hard and is doing really well with her reading.
Congratulations, Evelyn, we are proud of you.