Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Principal's Award

Congratulations to Josh who received a Principal's Awards for his story:

On Sunday I went to church. My Muma and my Dad got into church with my family. My brother came with me in the car.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Term 3 Week 5

It's been lovely to be back at school and to see everyone again. I had a wonderful week in Invercargill and my son's hockey team did very well. It was good to see the children and to hear how well their week went with Mrs Power. Come in to the classroom to see the lovely crayon and dye snow pictures the children made.

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 4 is Danny.
Danny worked hard at all his work.
Thank you, Danny, it's great to have you in Room 3.

We also congratulate Rose who received a certificate at today's school assembly. Rose played Mr Mouse in the play 'The Little House'. She made a super mask and used a fantastic 'mouse' voice. Well done, Rose.

Soon the children will finish their poetry books so will need a new one. Please purchase a 1A5 book for your child. Thanks.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Term 3 Week 3 'Star of the Week' and other news

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 3 is Josh.
Josh has worked hard this week, especially in reading and writing. He has also followed instructions. 
Thank you, Josh, it's great to have you in Room 3.

Today the Ruru and Pukeko reading groups 
presented a play, The Little House, to the class. Freya was Miss Fox, Rose was Mr Mouse, Paige was Mrs Frog, and Amelia was Master Hare. Lily was away so I played Mr Bear. I am very proud of the girls' efforts - they were fantastic!

Today Alessandro brought some cupcakes to help us celebrate his birthday. Thank you, Alessandro, and Mum, for the yummy treat.

Thank you to those who have sent me snow photos. keep them coming - it's much nicer having our own weather photos on display rather than pictures from a book. Our snow stories will soon be published as a book.

I will be away in Invercargill next week watching my son captain his hockey team at the Rankin Cup competition. Mrs Power will be teaching in Room 3. She has taught the children before so she is a familiar face. I will miss you all but know you will have a lovely week with Mrs Power. Take care.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Snow Stories and Principal's Awards

Yesterday we wrote stories about our snow days. I am very impressed with the standard of the children's writing. Four people received a Principal's Award for their stories.

Joshua's story was published yesterday.

Danny wrote: Yesterday I had a walk in the snow with my Mum and with Joe too. We were getting to the service station and on the way back snow got into my gumboots. I fell over because I had snow in my boots. When I got home I played with my toys.

Erin wrote: Yesterday I played snowball fights and I made a snowman. It was fun. I made a snowman with Mummy and I used leaves for the eyes and I put a hat on the snowman.

Christian wrote: I made a snowman. It fell over on top of me. It had a scarf and a pointy hat. It was fun.

Congratulations Joshua, Danny, Erin, and Christian - you are great authors.

This is Won Jeong's story:
When I woke up, my mum said "Look out side, it's show"
It was great so my family went out together and we made a showman and played. It was fun with big show so it was very happy day.

Erin and Won Jeong sent me photos of their snow days.
Looks like you had heaps of fun girls.

Danny's snow man.


                                                            Happy Birthday Alessandro.

Keep sending me your snow photos.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School

It was great to see those children who came to school today. I enjoyed hearing about your snow days and reading the fantastic stories you wrote today.
While school was closed two children did some school work.
Danny made a lovely poster of the seasons as well as a super snowman (I'll take a photo of it tomorrow and post it on the blog).
Joshua made a booklet about what he did in the snow. He also included some photographs. Well done, Joshua, I am really impressed with your book. Thank you for writing it - you are a super author.
This is what Joshua wrote:

When it was snowing I went outside to play. It was fun. Our garden looked beautiful in the snow. I jumped on our snow covered trampoline. My cousin came over and we had a sledge ride. We made a snowman called Frosty Freeze. 

Wednesday - Back to School

Good morning - school is open today. I look forward to seeing you all back and ready to start at 8:45am. Wear your gumboots and bring shoes or slippers for the classroom. Remember your raincoats too.
I am looking forward to hearing about your snow days.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snow Day

I hope you have all had another fun day in the snow.
I made another snowman, this time at my gate. Now we have lots of slush around the place, which I think will ice over tonight.
Check the school website, Facebook page and/or this blog tomorrow morning to find out whether we'll be back at school tomorrow.

Today is a special day for Alessandro. He is now 6. This will certainly be a birthday to remember. We hope you enjoy being 6 Alessandro.

Tuesday - Another Snow Day

Good Morning - it is so quiet around my place with the beautiful white blanket of snow over everything.
There is no school again today. I am going to snuggle down and read a book then go out into the snow later in the day.
If you are looking for some inside activities - check out the maths and literacy sites listed on the right hand side of this page. You might like to write a story and/or draw a picture about what you did in the snow yesterday. When we are back at school we can put these on the wall.
Have a super day everyone.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Snow at My Home

Thanks for the comment, Molly, it was nice to read it. I hope you are enjoying the snow too.
Here's some photos from my home.

Monday 15 September

Wow! Now we have a 'Winter Wonderland' AND a day off school. I am excited to see the snow and when it is light I am going to wrap up and go outside to play and make a snowman.
I hope you will enjoy today. Wrap up warmly and go into the snow to play. If you can, take some photos to share when we get back to school.
Parents: check the Christ the King Catholic School Facebook page and this blog for info re: school opening/closure.
Children: be kind to your Mums and Dads and siblings.
Everyone: Take care, keep warm, and have fun.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Term 3 Week 2 'Star of the Week'

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 2 is Will.
Will tries hard at his work and stays focused. He can follow instructions and can be a good role model.
Thank you, Will, it's great to have you in Room 3.

Today we learnt some problem solving skills. We had six pictures and four clues. We worked together to find the right picture. Here we are co-operating to solve the problem.

On Monday we will be attending mass at 11:30am to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. After this the children will have the opportunity to purchase an item of baking (cost 50 cents to $2). The baking stall will be outside the hall and is being run by the Young Vinnies.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

News Days

Every day four or five children share their news with the class. We use NZ Sign Language to say 'Good Afternoon' and the child sharing their news introduces them self using Sign Language before sharing their news. The aims of this session are to increase a child's confidence in speaking to an audience, improve listening skills, and questioning to find out more information. The children are gaining confidence is sharing their news and are beginning to bring more interesting items to school to talk about.
Although Joshua has only just joined Room 3 he is already a fabulous news sharer. Joshua has prepared his news, gives plenty of information, and speaks clearly. Thank you, Joshua (and Mum), I enjoy listening to your news. Here's a picture of Joshua showing us his rugby book and telling us how rugby started.

In Room 3 we enjoy writing. Sometimes we read our stories to each other. On Monday we shared in groups of three.

Three people received Principal's Awards for their stories. Congratulations to: Amelia, Rheubyn, and Trinity.

Last night I was lying in the lounge and I had one hot milo and one cupcake and I watched tv. By Rheubyn

Yesterday I went to gymnastics. We learned how to hang upside down on a trapeze. We learned how to do cartwheels. We got a treat after because we were so good. I was very happy. By Amelia

Yesterday me and my brother and sister went to Chipmunks. We went in the ball pit and we went on the big slide. We went on the cars and we had to put our seal belts on. It was fun. By Trinity

Thank you for coming to the parent - teacher interviews this week. I really enjoyed meeting with you and discussing your child's progress. It has been good to have the time to look back over the last two terms and note the progress. I am fortunate to have such a lovely class of children who have a positive attitude towards their learning. A big Thank you for your support at home. That is a vital link in your child's learning. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Term 3 Week 1 'Star of the Week'

Our first week in Room 3 is over. Everyone has settled in well and we are getting used to the new routines and challenges. I am very proud of how the children have adapted to the changes. Thank you for your support at home.
We have published our first piece of writing for Term 3. Come in and read about our holidays.

The  'Star of the Week’ for Week 1 is  Amelia.
Amelia always works hard in class and does her best to produce 'Triple Star' work. 
She always listens and follows instructions. 
Thanks, Amelia, for being a super role model, it's great to have you in our room.

Remember that next week we finish school at 2pm on Monday AND Wednesday as we have parent-teacher interviews. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Each day we try to go outside for fitness. One of the fitness activities we enjoy is 'Follow the Leader'. We run or skip or jump along the lines on the court and our team follows us. We take turns at being the leader. Here we are today:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Holiday Stories and a Birthday

Yesterday we wrote stories about our holidays. Tomorrow we will publish them for our classroom wall. Here's some to read now:

I went to the mountains. I found some moa bones. We played on the rocks. I had fun with my Dad. I made a snowman. By Danny

On Monday I went to make a snowman. My Mum helped me. I liked it when she helped me. By Josh

I went on a plane in the holidays. It was fun and we played. By Conor

I went ice skating and I saw my cousin. By Molly

I went to Hanmer Springs. I went to the hot pools and my Dad came. My Mum couldn't come. She was looking after Sophie. By Samantha

I went to Jack and the Beanstalk with my cousins. Their names are Tyler and Maya. My favourite part was the biggest giant. By Tahliya

In the holidays my cousin came over. She was a girl and we had a snowball fight. By Joshua

Happy Birthday to  Freya who turned today. 
We hope you enjoy being 6 Freya.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back to school. It was good to see everybody today and to catch up on the holidays. It is great to be back in Room 3 again. Everyone has made a positive start to the term. We welcomed Conor, Joshua, Molly, Samantha, Tahliya, and Won Jeong to our room.

Last week Ben had his birthday. He is now 6. We hope you enjoy being 6 Ben.

At today's assembly Alessandro received a certificate for his positive attitude, hard work, and progress in reading.
Congratulations, Alessandro, we are proud of you.

This term we will be learning about the weather. You can help at home by discussing the weather and looking at weather charts in the newspaper or on the TV with your child.
In Religious Education we are learning about Jesus - My Friend.
Please continue to read regularly with your child - it makes such a positive difference.
Remember to book your interview with me - these are on next week. We will finish school at 2pm on Monday and Wednesday next week.