Term 3 is now over! It has been another busy term and the children have worked really hard.
The 'Star of the Week’ for Week 10 is Isla.
Isla is a super listener, she always knows what to do and follows instructions. She focuses on her work and always does her best.
Thank you, Isla, it's great to have you in Room 3.
A big THANK YOU for getting the children to school early for Friday's mass. The mass was said for Mr Macdonald as his time as our Principal has come to an end. I am very proud of the children's behaviour and attitude in mass - they were quiet and reverend.
Our swim week has been a success. While it disrupts our normal timetable having an intensive week swimming at Wharenui Pool has many benefits. I have enjoyed watching the children's confidence and progress in the pool as the week went by. We enjoyed buddying with Room 4 (Year 3) again. Thank You to all who helped with dressing the children each day. A special thanks to the Dads - we couldn't have managed without you.
For Art our Classroom Release Teacher has been teaching the children about horizons. They have completed some fantastic pictures which are now proudly displayed in our classroom. These photos do not do them justice, you'll have to come in and see them. Grandparents, aunts, uncles ... are welcome into our classroom so please bring them in when they're visiting.
Today we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Danny. He will be 6 on Sunday. We hope you enjoy being 6 Danny.
The end of a term gives me a chance to sit back and reflect over the past 10 weeks. It is wonderful to see the progress the children have made. We are now a settled unit and will start Term 4 all together. While things are not always perfect the children do work well together and appear happy in class. I am pleased with their positive attitude and willingness to give anything a go.
On Wednesday we completed a writing sample. I have compared some of these to the ones we did in August and even in that short time there has been a marked improvement - in the children's concentration and focus as well as in their output. I am impressed and proud of the children. If you want to keep the momentum going how about starting a holiday diary? You could also try the Dance Mat Typing site linked to this blog. This site teaches typing skills.
Reading is my favourite time of the day - I so enjoy listening to the children read to me. It's great to see their confidence grow as they tackle more challenging books and put their reading strategies into place. A highlight this term has been the presentation of plays. The children enjoy doing them and will seek to do more next term. I hope you will find time to visit a local library and choose some books to read together.
I have recently retested children on their number knowledge. This is another area where I have been pleased with what the children have learned and with their increase in confidence. For home practice play card or board games, count the dishes as you lay the table or put them away, read letterbox numbers as you walk along the street. The children enjoy the Basic Facts website linked to this blog.
I finish this post with a big THANK YOU to you all. I do so appreciate your support, both at school as you come into our classroom each day to look at what your children are doing, and at home with the reading and getting your child to school (and collecting them) each day. I feel very fortunate to have not only the BEST class but wonderful parents as well.
Have a safe, happy, and relaxing holiday. I look forward to catching up with you all on Tuesday 25 October. And to all those having a birthday - Happy Birthday.