Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Term 4 Week 1

Welcome to Term 4. It was great to see everyone back this morning and to catch up on what happened in the holidays. Our classroom had a bit of a face lift and it is now looking clean and fresh. The paint smell is almost gone too!
This is a short but sharp term. We will continue to focus on our reading, writing, maths, and RE as well as learning about Eric Carle (author of The Very hungry Caterpillar) and his style of illustrating.

During the holidays several children had birthdays. This morning we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Amelia, Trinity, Rose, and Rheubyn. We trust you will all enjoy being 6.

Today we wrote about our holidays. I am very impressed with the progress everyone has made in their writing over the last term. We will illustrate our stories then they will be displayed on the classroom wall for you to read. I will publish some on the blog later in the week.

A few reminders as we start the last term as Year 1s:
*School starts at 8:45am and finishes at 2:50pm. It is important that the children arrive at school in time to complete their morning routines and also have a chance to catch up with their friends. This makes for a more settled start to everyone's day.
*Each child needs an HB pencil for writing. Cheap/Smiggle/fancy pencils do not have the right lead so are not suitable for writing at school. They are also difficult to keep sharp. Children should have a set of coloured pencils and a glue stick. A pencil sharpener is also a good idea. These items need to be kept in one pencil case. Thank you for your support with this.
*Library day is (still) Monday. Library books can be kept at home for a week, they do not have to be returned the next day.
*Hats are to be worn at interval and lunch times. Please name your hat. Hats are kept on a hook in the cloak room when not being worn. They do not have to go home each night.
*Please read with your child each night, this makes such a difference to their progress.
*If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please let me know. I value your support which is the key to your child's success.
*On Friday 28 October we will be attending 9am Mass. Please be at school by 8:40am.

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